Song: Five Days

The song is really about strikes in general as well as the general strike. This list could be crazy long. I’ll start with a few and I’m sure will add to it.

Note: This is not a comprehensive list of resources (or even close to one). These are resources that I can vouch for because I’ve read, listened to, or watched them. And they have directly impacted the writing of After the War: 1919 and the Search for Peace. If you have a resource you’d like to share, I want to know! Please send me an email at -Ken


Radical Seattle: The General Strike of 1919 by Cal Winslow

A great modern look at the Seattle General Strike in the context of all that was happening at the time.

Madison: The Illustrated Sesquicentennial History, Volume 1, 1856–1931 by Stuart D. Levitan

This excellent book about the history of Madison includes a section on strikes that happened in 1919 and the call for a general strike that never came to fruition.

Workers and Unions in Wisconsin: A Labor History Anthology by Darryl Holter

A collection of essays about labor in Wisconsin. I like this book, because it’s full of short reads. You can open to any page and learn some interesting tidbit about labor in Wisconsin.

The Labor Movement In Wisconsin: A History by Robert W. Ozanne

A well researched history of Wisconsin labor. Chapter 12: “The Fight for Union Recognition 1919-1923” in particular is relevant to this show.


Seattle 1919

A rock opera about the 1919 General Strike in Seattle! A rock opera! They only performed it once, but it’s immortalized on this album. Rob Rosenthal was also kind enough to listen to Five Days and give me some valuable feedback on it.